Friday, January 30, 2009

New Level New Devil

Its amazing how God structures everything to end right were he said we would be, sometimes we take differant roads then he intends which is not really to our favor (his is always best)however thru hi and low his love never fails. King David saw many battles but his beggining was truly unique making him who he was, First he fought a lion a bear and then goliath which one do you truly feel was the giant in a case of spiritual level, I would have to say in this case it was the first lion he had ever fought it was the first bear he had ever fought it was the first giant he had ever fought but low and behold notice he never had to fight the lion or the bear again.Its giant's that occupied the promised land and its these same giants that occupy your blessing. Stop asking them to get out and tell them to get out.
In Jesus
Pastor Oscar Ovalles

On a daily task

Its funny as we discover life through our daily tasks, how we encounter the true responsability of life. This great gift rendered to us is only enjoyed thru the decisions that we take.

Some decisions make us fall others make us stand up and others keep us standing in the midst where others might fall or stand. God says "my people perish for lack of knowlegde" other versions might say "lack of understanding". I see it as knowlegde educating you about decisions but understanding preparing you to make decisions. A credit card company called American express used a slogan years back "never leave home without your american express card" as they say in case of an emergency,Well understanding this gift of life is the same.What I do now leads me to later, Is the same as saying what I do today shapes my tommorrow and forms my future.

Some get up some fall down but we are all just trying to stand. Be kind to your fellow journeymen thru life if you find someone who has fallen or someone who is trying to get up or someone who is standing ON A DAILY TASK it is our duty to bring him to our captain.

Jesus is our captain.

All the best in Jesus and by Gods grace

Pastor Ovalles